Making Friends A Few Days Late...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Ok, I'm more than a day late and a dollar short here, but I thought this Making Friends Monday This or That Game sounded like fun, and it gave me something to try and jog this bloggy writer's block, so here goes nothing:
1. jog or walk: walk
2. coffee or tea: tea
3. pepsi or coca cola: Coke!!! (I have my husband to thank for that one.)
4. flats or heels: flats
5. fries or onion rings: fries (especially if they are from McDonalds. :)
6. cats or dogs: cats
7. skim or whole: skim
8. small purses or large: small
9. van or suv: Do I have to pick one? I've never driven either, so I have no idea - I do like the look of the SUVs better, if that counts for anything...
10. winter or summer: winter
11. 1 piece bathing suit or 2: 1!!!
12. sit down restaurant or fast food: sit down
13. McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds
14. White Gold or Yellow: Um, I'm not sure what the difference is? Guess I don't own a lot of gold...
15. Fish or Chicken: Chicken
16. Edward or Jacob: Jacob
17. Pizza or Burger: Pizza
18. apple or orange: orange
19. Spend or save: save
20. 1 story or 2 story house: 2 story
February 17, 2009 at 11:17 PM
you like Jacob?! Why not edward? he is so wonderful! Oh well to each their own I guess! glad you joined us!!! Hope you come back...have a great night!
February 18, 2009 at 7:08 AM
I think I'm the only one who was pulling for Jacob through the series. I didn't think she should have to end her life for teenage love, I guess. Guess I just don't go for the tortured bad boy vampire type. LOL
February 24, 2009 at 11:05 PM
thank you for stopping by my blog! love your list. so you're team jacob? interesting!