Unplugged Project  

Monday, March 2, 2009

After a few months of packing, moving, unpacking, figuring out a new camera, getting the computer set up, holidays, etc, etc, I'm hoping to get back into the swing of the weekly Unplugged Project.

This week's theme was "bottle" and Paige and I did a simple painting project that I found at Just For Fun - painting flowers with a soda bottle.

Basically, you dip the bottom of the bottle in the paint, and then use it to stamp onto the paper, to make the flower petals.

Then you dip the cover into a different color, and use that for the center of the flower.

Here Paige told me she was adding stems! I thought it was so cute that she did that on her own.

Her first finished piece, which for some reason Blogger wants oriented this way. Oh well.

The only difficulty I had with this activity was that sometimes I'd end up with too much paint on the bottom of the bottle. If there's a lot of paint on the bottom in the middle, I'd end up with an odd looking print. Too much paint on the cover also made for some goopy flower middles, as you can see. Overall though, this was fun and easy, and Paige seemed to enjoy it much more than I'd thought. She enjoys painting, but often quickly abandons "techniques" for finger/body painting.

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