What I'm Listening To...  

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A little over a year ago, I started listening to audio books in my car on the way to and from work. Before that, I'd never really listened to an audio book, preferring to read books "the old fashioned way." I quickly became addicted to listening to the books in the car, and now I get a little cranky if I don't have a story to listen to!

I found that I really enjoyed listening to stories for children and young adults. The stories were entertaining, but not too distracting. One of the women I worked with started listening to books with her children when they were in the car, and found that they enjoyed listening to stories as a family. It is a great way to squeeze in a little educational time...and have it be enjoyable too!

Even though I'm not working with her right now, she's asked that I continue to send her the names of good books. So I started thinking, why not share them here too? Maybe someone else would be interested in listening to a good story. Last year, I started writing down all the names and authors of the books I listened to throughout the year. I was going to keep track of how many stories I listened to. Toward the end of the year I started to forget to write them down...but I've started again this year.

I just finished listening to: "Project Mulberry" by Linda Sue Park.

In Project Mulberry, the main character, Julia, and her friend, Patrick, raise silk worms as a project for a school club. At first, Julia, who is Korean, doesn't want to do the project, as she thinks it is too "foreign," and wants to do something more American.

In between the chapters on the audiobook, the author has "conversations" with the main character, Julia, in which they discuss how the story was written. At the end of the story, there is an interview with the author.

I really enjoyed this story and would recommend it. :)

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