Unplugged Stone  

Monday, July 14, 2008

When I saw the theme of this week's Unplugged Project was stone, I thought right away of a garden stone., a project I've been wanting to do with Paige. However, this week was too busy for me to get to the store to get the supplies. I'm hoping to do this eventually, though!

This week was busy, so I almost thought that I wouldn't get to do a project this week, when I had an idea. Paige and I played a game inspired by one of her favorite cartoons, Charlie and Lola.

In one episode of Charlie and Lola, "It Is Actually My Party," Lola makes all the boys at Charlie's birthday party play a game called, "Musical Statues."* So I asked Paige if she'd like to try it, and we gave it a shot. Musical statues is kind of a variation of musical chairs. You turn on some music, and the players dance. Then you randomly pause the music, and everyone has to freeze like a...well, like a statue of course. I happened to actually find rules for this game online, (scroll down) and it says that if a player moves, he or she is out. You continue to play until one person is left.

It was too hard to try and control the music and take a picture of her, so after we played I asked her to stand like a statue so I could take her picture. It came out a bit dark, but you get the idea.

*The link for the episode that Musical Statues is in plays the story, but oddly enough omits the part I'm talking about. Oh well.

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